Time is the world’s most valuable commodity. Once lost, you can never buy more. Research has shown spending money on a time-saving purchase for time-scarce individuals leads to greater happiness & well-being. Traveling by private aircraft saves time!


Estimated direct flight range of typical general aviation light aircraft:

Note: Non-precise without reserve fuel planning, illustration purpose only, not to be used for flight planning, in order of shortest to longest direct range.

Red line : Single-engine piston (e.g. Piper PA28, Diamond DA40)
Light blue line : Twin-engine with JetA1 fueled engine (e.g. Diamond DA42, KingAir)
Magenta line : Light Jet (e.g. Hondajet, Phenom 100)
Dark blue line : Fast Turboprop (e.g. Piper M600, Daher TBM, Pilatus PC12)

Benefits of Owning an Aircraft

  • Time Saving

    Time is the single biggest benefit to aircraft ownership. Everyone has the same 1,440 minutes in every day, but how you use them makes the difference in life and success. Choosing to travel in a business jet dramatically improves the efficiency of time spent traveling between locations.

    The power of business jet travel can be seen in an example of a trip to two cities and then home in one day. With a business jet you can depart from your home city fly to the first city, conduct business in the morning, depart for the second city and conduct business in the afternoon and return home that evening in time to have dinner with your family.

  • Safety & Security

    Safety & Security is always a concern when traveling. Private aircraft travel decreases your exposure to crowds and major public transportation centers. When you travel utilizing a business jet you are departing and arriving from General Aviation terminals with your own pilots. Having the same plane to board with a trusted familiar flight crew takes you out of the security risks associated with large commercial airlines.

    Additionally, with private aircraft travel having less touch-points, the risk for contagion from viruses are 30 times lower than airline travels. Your family will also appreciate the ability to travel with less stress, more convenience and better security.

  • Go Where Others Can't

    There are only so many places that you can land a 737. Your choices are greatly expanded when you are flying your own plane. Smaller airports, fields, private landing strips, and even bodies of water become potential landing sites when you’re in something small, light, and free of the limits of airline/airport agreements and restrictions. You have the ability to get closer to your destination. You have the freedom to go where you want, when you want.

  • Convenience

    One of the most obvious benefits is the convenience of having your own plane. Instead of having to go through the process of scheduling and acquiring a rental, your aircraft will be ready to leave when you are. You can decide to explore and have the ability to leave at that very moment!

  • Privacy

    Thanks to traveling through private airport terminals and onboard your own aircraft, passengers can be confident knowing that they are traveling with the highest levels of privacy.

    From athletes to celebrities, government officials to businessman, private jets offer maximum privacy. This is especially beneficial when it comes to working onboard the aircraft. There are no other passengers who may be listening in to conversations containing sensitive information.

  • Luxury & Comfort

    Comfort is perhaps the primary benefit that most people will think of when flying by private aircrafts. That is, before they have experienced the convenience of flying private.

    Private aircrafts are far more comfortable than commercial airlines. Rather than just having a seat to yourself, you have the entire aircraft. The entire cabin is just for you and your chosen group of passengers.

Cost of Aircraft vs Car Ownership in Singapore


 Aircraft  Type

(Piper Archer, Diamond DA40, Cirrus SR20)


Car Type

(Mercedes S-Class, BMW 7 Series. Lexus LS)


 Upfront Purchase Cost


 USD380k onwards


 USD320k to USD420k




225kmh to 278kmh
(no speed limit, Singapore-Kuala Lumpur 1hr 45mins)


(highway max 90kmh-120kmh, Singapore-Kuala Lumpur 3hr 45mins)


 Fuel Consumption


 16 liter / 100km
(Avgas USD2.20/liter, JetA1 USD0.80/liter


15-18 liter / 100km
(Petrol USD2.00/liter)


 Scheduled Maintenance


 USD6k-8k a year


USD2k a year




 USD1k per month


 USD120-320 per month


 Insurance (depend on experience)






 Misc Expenses


 Air Navigation Fee
(e.g. Malaysia USD6.50 per 100km)

 COE Renewal, Annual Road Tax, ERP/Tolls


 Typical Residual Value after 10 years (% of Purchase Price)



